MDV (Minimum Delivery Value): You may place orders of any size, but we will only take payment and dispatch orders with shipping paid that exceed our MDV of £200/300€. Orders under the MDV will be held for 14 days and then cancelled if they have not met MDV. You may add a £10/20€ carriage charge to release these items for shipping at any time during these 14 days if they do not reach MDV.
You may place orders via email at any time, most payments will be pro forma for the first 3 orders, then it will be 30 days depending on credit checks as standard.
Our office is open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4pm, gaming on Fridays, but your sales rep should always respond to emails as standard within 24 hours, even on a Friday.
You may place an order via email.
You may place Pre-Orders for upcoming products and Back Orders for lines that are currently out of stock but will return in the future. We will hold these orders until the items become available but will only invoice and dispatch them when the value exceeds our MDV. If you order an item showing as in stock, and we are unable to supply it for any reason, you will be asked to confirm that you are happy to add it to your back orders. Similarly, if the price or product details of an item change between placing your order and supply of an item, you will be asked to reconfirm your order before we ship it.
When you place any order, you will receive an email copy referred to as a Sales Order.